Step 3: Schedule a Free, On-site Consultation
Call your EnviroCertified representative Lauri Bowen at
509-535-7084 to schedule a visit today!
Your visit will be conducted by a Pollution Prevention Assistance specialist from the Spokane Regional Health District. Their goal is to help assure that you are in compliance with related regulations. They will also provide technical assistance and suggest resources that can strengthen your business.
Convenient! We come to your business at a mutually agreed on day and time. We walk through the facility and operations to see how you are doing things now and if your practices could be improved. We are sensitive to your staff and customer service needs – after all, your priority is running your business. Allow about one hour.
Knowledgeable! The Pollution Prevention Assistance representative has visited many businesses and has seen a wide variety of successful practices implemented – they can share examples with you or put you directly in touch with people in these businesses.
Friendly! We start with where you are. We want you to succeed!
On-call! The EnviroCertified representative is available to assist you in answering questions that come up in the course of doing business and to point you to additional resources as needed. They will also check in with you periodically, including scheduling a renewal visit.