Mulch Mowing Reduces Yard Waste.

Selkirk Landscape Services Grass-Cycling or mulch mowing is a simple, natural approach to lawn care. EnviroCertified certified Selkirk Landscaping Company is reducing yard waste, the use of fertilizer, pesticide and water by providing mulch mowing to customers.    It is estimated that grass clippings make up about 90% of the total yard trimmings generated in the Spokane area between mid-April and October. Leaving finely chopped grass clippings on the lawn improves the health of your lawn and lowers your disposal costs. EnviroCertified certified landscapers design and maintain yards employing native, drought resistant plants, drip irrigation and rain sensors making yards easier to care for and more responsive to Spokane’s changing seasons. Pesticides and herbicides may cause bladder disease in pets, skin irritation and can be transported to the Spokane River in stormwater runoff. As of January 2013, WA State law restricts the use of phosphate fertilizers to starting or repairing lawns. Fertilizers containing phosphorus impact river water quality by encouraging the growth of aquatic weeds which depletes the oxygen required for healthy fish and macroinvertibrates.  Select a landscaping company that uses an integrated pest management plan and utilizes the least toxic solutions first. Shop smart. Choose EnviroCertified certified businesses.  Landscaping companies are invited to apply for EnviroCertified certification.  Go to  or call Tonilee Hanson at 509-847-4337.