Local Businesses Protecting Our Aquifer & River

A portion of this article appeared in the Green Living Northwest Magazine Summer 2013 Edition written by Tonilee Hanson.

Are the businesses you choose certified for best environmental practices?

In Spokane, a unique partnership of nine agencies and non-profits created EnviroCertified, which makes it easy for you to find and shop at businesses doing their part to protect the Spokane River, Aquifer, land and air. EnviroCertified businesses are inspected and certified for properly managing and disposing hazardous waste and taking other actions to protect the environment. Keeping Our Drinking Water & Spokane River Clean  Proper management and disposal of waste is particularly important in our area because the Spokane Valley Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer (Aquifer) is the “sole source” of drinking water for over 500,000 people. The aquifer underlies about 370 square miles in the states of Idaho and Washington and has an estimated volume of 10 trillion gallons of water.   But this amazing regional resource is also highly vulnerable to contamination due to thin topsoil and highly permeable sand, gravel and cobble.  The distance between ground level and the water table ranges from 500 feet in Kootenai County, ID to as little as  50 feet in the Spokane Valley. The Aquifer also flows in and out of the Spokane River. Called interchange, this means that when we contaminate the Aquifer we may also be contaminating the river. As importantly, one-third of Spokane’s stormwater goes to the Spokane River via one of 130 storm drains with only partial treatment. Another one-third of stormwater goes to the city’s wastewater treatment plant. But when there is more flow than the plant can handle, it goes directly to the Spokane River. By shopping at one of over 65 EnviroCertified certified businesses, you’re helping make sure the Aquifer and Spokane River are not contaminated. From dental to landscaping, EnviroCertified currently certifies 14 different types of businesses. Visit envirocertified.org to find EnviroCertified businesses near you. Andy Dunau, Executive Director of the Spokane River Forum, sees EnviroCertified as “building a culture of stewardship for the 21st century.” Said Dunau, “Especially with a growing population and new chemicals continuously being developed, we need to keep waste and contaminants out of the system to begin with. EnviroCertified rewards businesses for helping create that culture.” Certified EnviroCertified Businesses Tell the Story. Dave Jeffries & Jeff LovelAuto body and repair shops use paints, solvents and oils that can impact our water and air quality if not handled properly.  Dave Jeffries (left), the owner of AutoCraft in Spokane Valley seen here with Jeff Lovell President of the WA Auto Services Association, was instrumental in bringing EnviroCertified to Spokane County.  “EnviroCertified certification lets our customers know we’re doing our part to protect the environment.  We consider EnviroCertified part of our Blue Ribbon service,” said Jeffries. Dentists are responsible for keeping more than our teeth healthy. Our river and aquifer, too, depend on them to employ safe business practices. According to the Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies, dental clinics are the single greatest cause of mercury in waste water treatment plants. Why? Because removing amalgam fillings releases mercury.  EnviroCertified certified dentists properly maintain amalgam separators, keeping mercury out of wastewater. Other criteria include properly managing waste from chemicals used for sterilizing equipment or producing x-rays. Many dentists eliminate hazardous chemicals by switching to an autoclave and digital imaging. Dr. Leslie Ulmer & Staff EnviroCertified certified Ashley Ulmer, DDS (left) grew up in Spokane and has a great appreciation for the aquifer and river as “the lifeblood of our region.” Dr. Ulmer says that her call to stewardship centers on the practicality of doing what’s right. As she puts it, “The water’s not going to clean itself.” Dr. Ulmer spent a residency in San Antonio near the Gulf of Mexico. “I learned just how dirty the water can be in other cities.  In San Antonio they have a little river walk and the water’s just filthy. But here in Spokane, every time you go down to our river it’s just so nice. You realize this is a gem to have clean water. It’s something I feel we have a real responsibility to maintain,” said Dr. Ulmer. Ace Landscaping Whether you do your own landscaping or hire a landscaping company, fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, leaf blowers and water use need to be carefully considered.  EnviroCertified certified ACE Landscaping, Inc. uses an integrated pest management plan that utilizes the least toxic solutions first.  Pesticides and herbicides may cause bladder disease in pets, skin irritation and can be transported to the river in stormwater runoff. Fertilizers containing phosphorus impact river water quality by encouraging the growth of aquatic weeds which depletes the oxygen required for healthy fish and macroinvertibrates.  State law now restricts the use of phosphate fertilizers to starting or repairing lawns. Mulch mowing can reduce the use of fertilizer, pesticides and water.     When customers do not approve of mulch mowing, Ace landscaping crews recycle all of the grass clippings. Customers are encouraged to design with native, drought resistant plants, drip irrigation and rain sensors.  A good landscaping and irrigation design can make any yard beautiful, easier to care for and more responsive to Spokane’s changing seasons.   EnviroCertified Certification Good for Business EnviroCertified certification is at no cost to the participating business. The business owner agrees to a voluntary inspection from a local source control specialist who works with the owner to verify proper management and disposal of hazardous wastes and conservation of resources. Technical assistance is available until a business meets the certification standards. You can download the industry specific applications and certification criteria at www.envirocertified.org. Eligible businesses generate only small quantities of hazardous waste (less than 220 pounds per month).  At the EnviroCertified website you can search for certified businesses using the city, the name and the following industries: auto repair, paint and service; transportation; dry cleaning, carpet cleaning, home cleaning services and products; heating, ventilation and cooling; landscaping; manufacturing; home repair and painting; and medical services like dental, chiropractic and veterinary.  There are currently 65 certified EnviroCertified and the numbers are growing daily.