Help Protect our River and Aquifer: Choose EnviroCertified Businesses
As consumers, the choices you make today can help protect our river and aquifer. How? By shopping at businesses certified for properly managing and disposing of hazardous waste that could otherwise end up contaminating the river and/or aquifer. To find certified businesses, visit today. “These are small, locally owned businesses,” said Tonilee Hanson, who directs the EnviroCertified program. You can find the following types of businesses: auto repair, paint and service; transportation; cleaning services and products; heating, ventilating and cooling; landscaping; manufacturing; and home painting and repair. “And the list keeps growing,” said Hanson. “We’re continuing to certify businesses and we’ve received a grant from Ecology that will allow us to start certifying dental offices.” Why dental offices? “We check to see if your dental office has, and properly maintains, amalgam separators, which keeps mercury out of the waste stream. Also, using digital x-rays reduces the impact of chemical processing on our environment.” Participating businesses agree to a voluntary inspection from a Local Source Control Specialist. Certification means these businesses have met the EnviroCertified standards and have set goals for continuing to conserve resources. Consider EnviroCertified businesses when you purchase your goods and services. They’re making a difference and so can you! Look for the EnviroCertified logo! EnviroCertified is a joint partnership between the Spokane River Forum, Spokane Regional Health District, Spokane Aquifer Joint Board, Spokane Regional Solid Waste System, Spokane County, City of Spokane, Spokane Regional Clean Air, and Washington Department of Ecology. Learn more.
Click here to find EnviroCertified businesses on our Facebook page.