The prescription drug take back day a big success

The Spokane Forum’s EnviroCertified partners are pleased to report that the April 28th prescription drug take back day was a big success. According to Spokane Sheriff Deputy Greg Snyder, 402 pounds of unwanted prescriptions were returned. That’s more than double last year’s result. Nationally, 556,000 pounds of expired or unwanted prescription medications were collected. Besides posing health and safety issues for friends and loved ones, improper disposal of these medications, for instance flushing them down the toilet, pose a threat to our river and aquifer system. Mike LaScoula, the Spokane Regional Health District’s EnviroCertified representative, said “We need to increase these take-back programs in order to accommodate the abundance of unused medications. This protects the environment and reduces illicit use.” LaScoula also reports that there is progress in developing state legislation to open up permanent and accessible drug take back locations for all medications, including controlled substances like narcotics. Said LaScoula, “We’re encouraged the public supports this legislation.” Another prescription take back day is being planned for this fall.