City of Spokane Fleet Services – 5 Star Certification

1 Spokane Central Services site
City of Spokane Central Services

The City of Spokane’s Fleet Services Department has been recognized as a 5 star certified “Spokane EnviroStar” for its work to protect the environment by properly managing and reducing hazardous materials and waste. The department sought the certification after moving into the new Spokane Central Service Center, which was designed to comply with LEED green building criteria.

“As the City of Spokane proceeds with more than $300 million in work to improve the health of the

All vehicle washwater goes to sanitary sewer.
All vehicle washwater goes to sanitary sewer.

Spokane River, it just makes sense to follow through with other practices that protect our river and drinking water supplies,” says Gene Jakubczak, the City’s Fleet Services Director. “Throughout the City, we are working to be financially and environmentally responsible, and this is one more demonstration of that commitment.”

The City’s Fleet Services operation is the first non-business entity to seek and receive the certification.  The department received 5-star certification, which is the highest level of certification provided by the EnviroCertified program.

“Five-star certification begins with properly managing hazardous wastes, includes conservation of Spokane Fleet Sergvices shopresources and requires evidence of leadership in exploring safer alternatives and new technologies. The City of Spokane is to be commended for their leadership, and our hope is that other municipalities and businesses that maintain fleets of vehicles will undertake the EnviroCertified certification. Vehicle maintenance is essential to protecting our River and Aquifer by keeping oils off of our streets and therefore out of stormwater,” says Tonilee Hanson, who manages the EnviroCertified program in Spokane.

To receive the designation, the Fleet Services Department needed to demonstrate proper management of oil and chemicals used to repair and service the City’s fleet of vehicles. The department is responsible for maintaining a fleet of about 1,500 vehicles, including police cars, solid waste trucks, dump trucks, and a variety of specialized heavy equipment.

CNG Refueling Station
CNG Refueling Station

 About EnviroCertified

EnviroCertified is a voluntary program designed to encourage good environmental stewardship. Statewide, more than 850 businesses are certified as environmentally responsible under the program. In Spokane, the partners sponsoring the program include the Spokane River Forum, Spokane Aquifer Joint Board, Spokane County, the City of Spokane, the Spokane Riverkeeper, Spokane Regional Clean Air, Spokane Regional Health District, and the Washington State Department of Ecology.


Spokesman Review:  MONDAY, FEB. 22, 2016, 5:03 P.M.
City of Spokane’s fleet services gets environmental recognition

The city of Spokane’s fleet services department received an “EnviroStar” designation Monday, the first governmental body to earn the environmental recognition.

The program aims to encourage environmental stewardship and to reduce hazardous waste. More than 850 Washington state businesses have been certified. The city’s fleet services earned its certificate largely due to the new Central Service Center, a “green” building in the Chief Garry neighborhood.

The city’s fleet of 1,500 vehicles is maintained at the station. To be awarded the green designation, the department had to show responsible management of oil and chemicals used in the service and repair of police cars, dump trucks and other city vehicles.