City of Spokane Fleet Services

  • Address: 915 North Nelson Street
  • MAP 1 Spokane Central Services site
  • Spokane, WA 99217
  • Phone:  509-625-7706
  • Contact:  Troy Hayden
  • Website:
  • Industry:  Fleet Service and Maintenance
  • Member Since:  Spokane City Fleet Services earned EnviroCertified five (5) stars certification in 2016. In 2019 they achieved the EnviroCertified designation.

Spokane Central Service Center

City officials and contractors cut the ribbon on the city of Spokane’s Central Service Center Tuesday, August 18, 2015. The new $16.5 million shop and office complex will centralize maintenance for city vehicles, including a new fleet of garbage trucks which run on compressed natural gas (CNG).

This 57,600 square foot Design/Build project was built for the City of Spokane by Garco Construction and consolidated the City’s Fleet Services including Solid Waste Collection and Fleet Maintence Centers into one campus. The main facility is 44,000 SF and includes; 17 large heavy vehicle maintenance bays, 8 light vehicle maintenance bays, bridge cranes, welding area, a POL system, and CNG area. In addition to the service facility the center also features 13,600 SF of administration space and offices, and enough parking for the entire service vehicle fleet. This building complies with LEED criteria, and is Silver LEED Certifiable.