
Switch to Green for Clean Carpets

Switch to Green for Clean Carpets

Lund’s Carpet Cleaning is EnviroCertified certified and Spokane’s Premier Green Cleaner since 2001. Follow these tips to help protect your health, home and Spokane River/aquifer system. Using green products can mean different things to different people. Begin by looking at the chemicals on the product’s label. Chemicals are used to release soils from the fibers in your clothes or carpets. If you’ve ever forgotten to add laundry detergent to the washing machine, you probably had to re-do the load with detergent to get the dirt out. Plain water won’t do it. Examples of chemicals that can be used in the

The prescription drug take back day a big success

The prescription drug take back day a big success

The Spokane Forum’s EnviroCertified partners are pleased to report that the April 28th prescription drug take back day was a big success. According to Spokane Sheriff Deputy Greg Snyder, 402 pounds of unwanted prescriptions were returned. That’s more than double last year’s result. Nationally, 556,000 pounds of expired or unwanted prescription medications were collected. Besides posing health and safety issues for friends and loved ones, improper disposal of these medications, for instance flushing them down the toilet, pose a threat to our river and aquifer system. Mike LaScoula, the Spokane Regional Health District’s EnviroCertified representative, said “We need to increase

EnviroCertified Expands to 5-Star Certification

EnviroCertified Expands to 5-Star Certification

Look for the EnviroCertified logo. As consumers, you’re shopping smart when you choose EnviroCertified certified businesses. Click here to find EnviroCertified Businesses in your area.

AutoCraft of Spokane leads the way again! In March, AutoCraft was recognized as the first 5 star certified EnviroCertified Business. AutoCraft was previously certified at the 2 star level by properly managing hazardous materials.  Moving all the way up to 5 star certification means they’re also systematically implementing best business practices in maintenance, operations, purchasing, marketing and employee education with the goal of reducing, replacing, and recycling all wastes. Two other Spokane area auto repair

Prescription Drug Take-Back & Shred Event, April 28th

Prescription Drug Take-Back & Shred Event, April 28th



The Spokane Valley Police Department will safely dispose of prescriptions at their 12710 E Sprague parking lot on April 28, 2012. Click here for flyer. Not disposing of prescription drugs properly can create both health and safety issues for friends and loved ones. Further, they may pose a threat to our river and aquifer system. Locally and nationally, Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) are showing up in waterways. A major reason is that wastewater treatment plants don’t remove pharmaceuticals from the water that they treat and discharge into waterways. On the Spokane River, there are five wastewater

Let your light shine!

Let your light shine!

This article appeared in "One Man's Trash" the Spokane Regional Solid Waste Systems Winter Newsletter edited by Robyn Dunlap. EnviroCertified is a voluntary program offered to local small businesses. The program certifies businesses that have practices and policies in place which demonstrate proper management and reduction of hazardous waste. A unique partnership between agencies and non-profits provides participants with public recognition and advertising.

Companies are ‘stars’ for the environment

Sandra Hosking / Down to Earth NW Correspondent - AutoCraft, located in the Spokane Valley, is one of several Spokane area businesses that have earned the EnviroStar certification for their efforts to improve how they handle hazardous waste. Ten Spokane-area businesses have become environmental “stars” by earning certification from EnviroCertified, a free and voluntary program that evaluates the way companies handle their hazardous waste.

EnviroCertified program launches during Pollution Prevention Week

The successful EnviroCertified program in the Puget Sound area is now available to Spokane County businesses. EnviroCertified is a voluntary program that certifies small businesses that have practices and policies in place that reduce hazardous waste and protect the environment. The EnviroCertified program started in King County in 1995 and now more than 700 businesses are participating in Western Washington.