
Steering Committee Meeting 9/26/16
Monday, September 26, 2016 – 1:00-3:00 PM
Spokane County Water Resource Center
1004 N. Freya Street, Spokane, WA 99202
Welcome and Introducing Joani Havens – SRHD LSC Specialist and John Conklin – SRCAA
Administration |Fundraising – Andy Dunau
King County EnviroCertified Expansion – Regional Green Business Program – Andy Dunau
- MOA Establishing EnviroCertified Regional Green Business program 2015
- Green Business Program New Member Funding Formula
- Envirostars Introduction New Members Brochure 9.27.16
- Spokane Questions-Tomchick responses9.26.16
Urban Waters Program – Lisa Brown
EnviroCertified Waste Directory Website – Tonilee Hanson
- Local Events
- Google Analytics
- Top 30 – searches, vendors and waste types

Spokane Waste & Recycle Directory

City of Spokane Fleet Services – 5 Star Certification
The City of Spokane’s Fleet Services Department has been recognized as a 5 star certified “Spokane EnviroStar” for its work to protect the environment by properly managing and reducing hazardous materials and waste. The department sought the certification after moving into the new Spokane Central Service Center, which was designed to comply with LEED green building criteria.
“As the City of Spokane proceeds with more than $300 million in work to improve the health of the
Spokane River, it just makes sense to follow through with other practices that protect our river and drinking water supplies,” says Gene Jakubczak, the


South Hill Pediatric Dentistry

First ever EnviroCertified spring clean media blitz

LightRecycle WA steps in to help safely dispose CFL Bulbs
As of January 1, 2015, Washington State residents will be able to recycle mercury-containing lights at no charge through the LightRecycle Washington Program. Click here to find a free collection site near your. For more information on CFL bulbs and other wastes you’d like to get rid of or to find a green alternative, visit www.spokanewastedirectory.org. Aqua Duck’s Guide to Recycling CFL Bulbs gives you the skinny on why recycling CFL Bulbs is so important to protecting the aquifer and river in our area. Why can’t CFL bulbs go in the garbage? CFL bulbs last longer and are

E-Cycle for the Holidays
Find vendors who recycle electronics at www.spokanewastedirectory.org Today’s iPhone has more computer power than NASA used to send man to the moon. Point being, it doesn’t take long for yesterday’s technological breakthrough to become a relic ready to be tossed. In 2009, 2.7 million tons of electronics entered the waste stream in the United States. The shame is electronics don’t have to be a waste at all. Rather, they can be recycled and reused. What options are there? Many people don’t realize how easy it is to recycle electronics. You can e-cycle for free within minutes of your home or